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We're taking control of our food system and making a positive impact on Climate Change, Living Costs, and Health.
Scroll down to find out about the FoodVillage System.
We're taking control of our food system and making a positive impact on Climate Change, Living Costs, and Health.
Scroll down to find out about the FoodVillage System.
We’re regenerating the food system through co-ownership, multi-generational collaboration and consumer-driven technology.
Our system is circular and supported by FoodBuilders who produce, source and deliver farm foods to FoodSubscribers, who upcycle their waste back to the farms. Our system cuts down our carbon emissions, increases health and reduces living costs.
A FoodVillage is made up of 125 FoodBuilders, Artisans and Elders and 5,000 FoodSubscribers that are:
They legally co-own land, home, infrastructure & IP.
They are shaping a regenerative, zero-carbon future.
Together, everybody regenerates nature, people, community, knowledge, services, and common wealth.
FoodBuilders are typically 25–50+ years old and live in the FoodVillage and produce, source and deliver farm foods to FoodSubscribers.
FoodArtisans are typically empty nesters between 50-60+ years old and live in the FoodVillage and produce, source and deliver artisan products to FoodSubscribers.
FoodElders are typically retirees 60+ years old and live in the FoodVillage, they might also produce, source and deliver artisan products to FoodSubscribers.
FoodSubscribers generally live in the city and support the FoodBuilders financially by subscribing to receive food and services.
Co-Own farm, home, infrastructure & IP.
Grow, make, deliver & recover food.
Manage and live on or close to the farms.
Co-Own farm, infrastructure & IP.
Subscribe to receive food & services.
Upcycle their waste to the farms & shape the farming process.
We regenerate across six capitals.
"The question is not how we feed the world. The question is how we feed the world without harming the planet. That is the existential challenge so that should be the goal."
Gabrielle Chan
Why You Should Give a Fxck About Farming, Vintage, 2021
Join FoodVillage Community and learn how you can become a FoodBuilder or a FoodSubscriber and make FoodVillage a reality.
FoodVillage Community is a built on Mighty Networks, a platform that is designed to foster strong, engaged communities. It also ensures that you own and control your data.
Follow the link below to join for free.